Car Crashes: An Ounce of Prevention...

Who hasn't been involved in a car crash at some point? Whether it was a fender bender or something a little more serious, we've all felt that sinking feeling of "Oh, no!" when it happens. But believe it or not, there are some things we can do to help prevent car crashes from happening in the first place.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 39,000 people were killed in traffic crashes in the United States in 2020. That's an average of over 100 people per day. While not all of these crashes are preventable, many of them are. Here are a few simple things you can do to help keep yourself, your passengers, and other drivers safe on the road:

  • Pay attention to the road. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it's amazing how easily we can get distracted by our phones, our passengers, or the scenery. Put your phone away and focus on driving.
  • Obey the speed limit. Speeding is one of the biggest factors in car crashes. It gives you less time to react to hazards, and it increases the force of the impact if you do crash.
  • Wear your seatbelt. This is the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself in a crash. Seatbelts keep you from being thrown from the car, and they reduce the risk of serious injury by up to 50%.
  • Don't drink and drive. Even a small amount of alcohol can impair your judgment and coordination. If you're going to be drinking, make sure you have a designated driver or call a taxi.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to other cars, pedestrians, and cyclists. Be especially careful in intersections and school zones.

These are just a few simple things you can do to help prevent car crashes. By following these tips, you can help make the roads safer for everyone.

Remember, the next time you're behind the wheel, take a deep breath and give yourself a few minutes to focus on driving. It could be the best thing you do all day.