Cardinal Njue: A Man of Faith and Conviction

Cardinal John Njue, a towering figure in the Kenyan Catholic Church, is a man of deep faith and steadfast conviction. Born into a humble family in Embu, Kenya, in 1946, Njue's path to the priesthood was marked by a profound sense of calling.
Early Life and Education
From a young age, Njue felt drawn to the service of God. He entered the minor seminary in Meru, where he honed his theological knowledge and pastoral skills. His academic pursuits continued at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome, where he earned a doctorate in canon law.
Ordination and Episcopal Ministry
In 1973, Njue was ordained a priest by Pope Paul VI. He served as a priest in various parishes before being appointed Bishop of Embu in 1986. As Bishop, he tirelessly ministered to the spiritual and material needs of his flock, establishing schools, hospitals, and orphanages.
Archbishop of Nairobi
In 2007, Njue was elevated to the See of Nairobi, becoming the fourth Archbishop of the Kenyan capital. Under his leadership, the Archdiocese of Nairobi experienced significant growth and transformation. Njue initiated numerous projects to address social issues, promote peace, and foster ecumenical dialogue.
In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI elevated Njue to the College of Cardinals. This prestigious honor recognized Njue's contributions to the Catholic Church and his unwavering commitment to the Gospel. As a Cardinal, he served as a close advisor to the Pope and participated in the conclave that elected Pope Francis.
Social Activism
Cardinal Njue has been a vocal advocate for social justice and human dignity. He has spoken out against corruption, inequality, and violence. His powerful sermons and public statements have inspired countless Kenyans to stand up for what is right.
A Legacy of Service
Cardinal Njue's legacy is one of faith, service, and unwavering dedication to the Catholic Church. Through his tireless efforts, he has touched the lives of millions of Kenyans. As he continues to serve as an emeritus Archbishop, Njue remains an influential voice for the voiceless and a beacon of hope for the people of Kenya.
Personal Note:
Having had the privilege of meeting Cardinal Njue on several occasions, I can attest to his humble and compassionate nature. His presence exudes a sense of peace and tranquility. I am deeply inspired by his unwavering faith and his unwavering commitment to serving God and his people.