
Mr. Harrison, my Brazilian neighbor, was passed to the reserve after the last big war. His interest had shifted from killing to the pursuit of everlasting life. He was gifted in chemistry, and his home laboratory was filled with weird smells, explosions, and experiments. One day, he came to me, crying like a baby.

"It's not fair!" he said. "I've discovered a drink that would make me live forever, and I can't drink it!"

I must admit that with my own limited knowledge of chemistry, I had my doubts as to his finding the elixir of life. Still, his discovery was something special, and I offered to test it.

  • The first test was a toxicity test. I added a bit of the drink to my morning coffee and gave it to my dog. After 24 hrs, my dog was still alive, albeit a little thirsty.
  • Next, I tested the drink with 20 lab rats. After 1 month, none died. In fact, their average life increased by 13%.
  • For the final test, I wanted to test if the drink would prevent aging. I got an aged parrot from the local pet shop. I gave him the drink for 2 months, and at the end, the parrot was as good as new.

Convinced the drink works, I called my neighbor, offering to share the discovery with the world. To my surprise, he declined my offer.

"This elixir of life, it's cursed!" he said.

He went on explaining that a few weeks before coming up with the elixir, he was visited by an angel. The angel told him that, if he found eternal life on Earth, he'd be cursed for all eternity.

At that time, Mr. Harrison laughed at the angel. Now, he says that every night, he dreams of the angel, reminding him of his curse.

Whether Mr. Harrison's story is true or not, the elixir of life remains one of the greatest mysteries our world offers. Perhaps it's out there, hidden in the shadows, waiting for the right person, at the right time. And perhaps, it's better left undiscovered, forever a dream within a dream.