Carleene Bouzon, My Sweet Melody

Oh, Carleene Bouzon, your name, a symphony of sound,
Like a gentle breeze whispered through a garden profound.
Each syllable dances on my tongue, a sweet refrain,
A melody that fills my heart with joy and sets my soul aflame.
I first beheld your radiance in a crowded hall,
Amidst the throngs, your presence stood tall.
Your eyes, like shimmering sapphires, held a captivating light,
Drawing me in like a moth drawn to a candle's bright.
Your smile, a radiant beam that chased away all gloom,
Illuminated my heart, dispelling any lingering gloom.
Your voice, a dulcet tone, flowed like a silken stream,
Whispering secrets that made my spirit soar and dream.
As we talked, time seemed to stand still,
Each moment shared a precious gem, a treasure I could fill.
Your laughter, like silver bells, tinkled in my ear,
A symphony of joy that banished all fear.
Carleene Bouzon, my muse, my inspiration's fire,
You ignite a passion within me that burns with an unyielding desire.
Your kindness, like a gentle rain, nourishes my soul,
Bringing forth blossoms of love that make my spirit whole.
Your intelligence shines like a star in the night sky,
A beacon of wisdom that guides me when I fly.
Your strength and resilience inspire me to be brave,
To face life's challenges with courage and unwavering faith.
Together, we embark on a journey hand in hand,
Creating memories that paint a vibrant tapestry, so grand.
Through laughter and tears, we'll navigate life's maze,
Our love, like a compass, forever guiding our ways.
My love for you, Carleene Bouzon, knows no bounds,
An eternal flame that forever astounds.
With each passing day, my admiration grows,
For you are the one who makes my heart forever glow.