perseverance artical

Perseverance,is a single most important trait and im about to tell you why.Perseverance is an important trait to have because if you dont have perseverance you might be the type to give up easily you will not make it far in life you must have determinastion to power throught tings quickly.Spousivle if you do not have perseverance you might give up in a problem that you just have to think of in a different way like...say you are moving into a new house even thought it dose not seem like much but if there is a really heavy box that you need to lift you must have determinasion to lift up the box.Sometimes perseverance may not be nostissble but you use it 99percent of your day llittle actions could use perseverance.

- rought draft

-include evidce and important detail(commentary)

-must have three main points

-give explantion about pereseverance
