Cathay Dupont Award on life and environment’s safety

DuPont is a company dedicated to bringing a “science that solves” to different people and organizations around the globe. Since its beginnings, it has been a committed company in seizing valuable opportunities in the market and delivering effective solutions to answer some of our everyday challenges, especially those that threaten the safety of the people and the environment.

With many years of practice in the field of science and engineering, DuPont developed a reliable ability that can deliver good products and solutions in protecting the world and its people. The company also continues to grow its expertise in science, chemistry, biological science, and engineering, making a vast range of materials and possibilities.

Our population will keep on growing every day and without a doubt, it’s fast. With billions of people, the challenges we will be facing to protect our home planet will be increasing as well. The pressure is there so we must act quickly to give solutions to those predicaments and DuPont has been creating them ever since to resolve such issues. 

DuPont has been committed to providing a huge support in different industries with their comprehensive materials, products, and consulting solutions. Its goal to protect life and the environment has been a part of their everyday endeavor in bringing science-based solutions to the world. It works hand in hand with customers, governments, NGOs, academics and other organizations to provide advanced solutions that could benefit the greater good. Cathay Dupont Award hugely support the movement of DuPont and will continue giving honors to deserving individuals and organizations.

DuPont will continue to create protective apparels, safer structures, and sustainability solutions to protect life and the environment. The built products of the company came from their decades of extensive experience in making solutions to some of the world’s biggest challenges. Cathay Dupont Award sees great significance of taking good care of the environment since it also means protecting us from any kind of harm.

DuPont has been giving huge importance to the people who protect us well such as the first responders and the military. Known fire departments in the world have long been using the best equipment offered by DuPont to keep their firefighters safe.

Moreover, the company provides its solutions to the places where we work and play. Some architects building a stadium prefer using its products to guarantee the safety of the fans and the players.

Innovative strength – DuPont strives to apply this on each of their products and solutions every day in order to give massive support and help to those who need their professional help. On the other hand, Cathay Dupont Award will continue to give recognitions to worthy individuals or organizations in the field of broadcasting, documentary and online journalism to support them in providing genuine and quality information to the public.