Cauly: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding its Variants and Features

Cauly, also known as "Coupang Ads Unified Layer," is a leading mobile advertising platform in South Korea. It offers a wide range of advertising solutions to help businesses effectively reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. In this article, we will explore the various variants and features of Cauly, highlighting its significance in the ever-evolving digital advertising landscape.

Cauly B

Cauly B, short for "Cauly for Branding," is a variant of Cauly specifically designed to cater to brand-oriented advertising campaigns. It focuses on enhancing brand awareness and establishing a strong brand image among the target audience. Cauly B provides various ad formats, including rich media, interstitial, and rewarded video ads, to create engaging and memorable brand experiences for users.

With Cauly B, advertisers can leverage advanced targeting options to reach specific demographics, interests, and behavior segments. This helps brands connect with their desired audience effectively, ensuring that their advertising efforts yield maximum impact and return on investment.

Cauly P

Cauly P, also known as "Cauly for Performance," is another variant of Cauly that focuses on driving measurable results and conversions for advertisers. It offers a performance-based advertising model, enabling businesses to pay only when specific actions, such as app installs or user registrations, are completed.

Cauly P provides a robust set of tools and features to optimize campaigns for maximum performance. These include real-time bidding, advanced targeting options, and rich analytical insights. By utilizing Cauly P, advertisers can effectively track and measure the success of their campaigns, making data-driven decisions to optimize and improve their results continually.

Cauly BR

Cauly BR, which stands for "Cauly Big Reach," is a variant of Cauly that aims to maximize the reach and visibility of advertisements. It offers extensive coverage across various publishers and app inventory, ensuring that ads are displayed to a vast number of potential customers.

With Cauly BR, advertisers can benefit from high ad visibility and increased brand exposure. It leverages advanced algorithms and optimization techniques to deliver ads to the most relevant users at the right time. This significantly enhances the chances of user engagement and conversions, helping businesses achieve their marketing objectives efficiently.

Cauly Unified SDK

Cauly Unified SDK is a powerful software development kit provided by Cauly. It allows developers to integrate Cauly's advertising solutions seamlessly into their mobile applications. By integrating the Unified SDK, developers can monetize their apps by displaying relevant ads to their users.

The Unified SDK supports various ad formats, including banner ads, interstitials, and native ads. It also provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for developers to manage and optimize their ad placements effectively. Additionally, the Unified SDK offers comprehensive reporting and analytics tools, enabling developers to gain valuable insights into their app's performance and revenue generation.


Cauly, with its variants like Cauly B, Cauly P, Cauly BR, and the Unified SDK, offers a comprehensive suite of mobile advertising solutions. Whether you are looking to enhance brand awareness, drive performance-based results, maximize ad reach, or monetize your mobile app, Cauly provides the tools and features necessary to achieve your goals effectively.

As the digital advertising landscape continues to evolve, Cauly remains at the forefront of innovation, empowering businesses and developers to succeed in the competitive mobile advertising ecosystem.