Cavan v Tyrone

What a weekend of Gaelic football! It was the day for the Ulster Senior Football Championship and two of the most famous teams in Ulster, Cavan and Tyrone, were facing each other.
Local and not-so-local fans descended on Clones, County Monaghan, to cheer both teams on. I was lucky to be one of them. As a Monaghan man, my heart was split. But I was born and bred next to Cavan and many of my friends live there, so when the game started, it didn't take long to decide who I'd be supporting.
In fact, I have to admit that I didn't think there was much doubt about the outcome of the match. Tyrone have been one of the greatest football teams on the island for years and Cavan are, let's say, not at the same level.
I had seen the Cavan team play Monaghan earlier in the summer and had been far from impressed. Their performance was so poor that Monaghan, a team from a lower division, beat them. In fact, Cavan lost their last nine games in the league - a record no team could be proud of.
So, the smart money was on Tyrone.
But it didn't turn out like that.
Instead, it was Cavan who started the better team. They played really well and looked confident. I couldn't believe my eyes. After 10 minutes, they had two points on the board and were in control of the game.
I started to ask myself: what if they win?
It would be great for the county, and I'd be able to give my Cavan friends a hard time for a change. But Tyrone are a class act, and I knew that they would come back into it.
And they did, but it was Cavan who went in ahead at half-time, 0-5 to 0-4.
The second half was even more exciting than the first. Tyrone looked more like their usual selves and started to play really well. But Cavan refused to lie down. They fought hard and defended really well. In fact, if they had been better at scoring, they could have been further ahead.
But they weren't to be denied.
In the end, they took the match by 0-9 to 0-8, winning their first Ulster Championship since 1997.
I was thrilled for them. It must have been weird for the Cavan fans to win a match when it was expected that they would lose. And the Tyrone fans, well, it must have just been devastating for them.
But that's sport. It's what makes it so great. Anything can happen.