Nature's Beauty

Tonia Pahari

ENG 1101

05 March 2020


Dear Christian,

I went through a lot of things in life, but one thing that always made me happy was music and nature. When I was younger, I would always be outside playing with my friend. I never realized how beautiful the world was until I became a teenager. We do not take care of the world like we should. I want you to realize how beautiful nature is.

I did not travel much when I was younger. The furthest I went was back home to Chicago. Where I am from, it looked run down and was not fixed up. The streets had trash everywhere, the buildings were dingy, and a lot of stores were boarded up. As I got older, I would be in the car and find myself staring into the sky. It amazed me how the sky could be different colors and the clouds could make different shapes. I remember seeing my first rainbow, I fell in love with the world I lived in. 

I know art has been a passion of yours since you were younger. Imagine your favorite piece of art, in 3D form. There are different colors, dimensions, and details in the world. You can see so much art in nature. You should just go outside one day, find a spot, and bring your pencil and pad. I suggest you go while the sun is setting. Draw watch you see in the sky and just take in everything you see. I wish I realized how beautiful the world and nature was at a younger age. I would have gone about how I treated nature in a different way. 

As I got older, I realized that we as people do not take care of our planet as much as we should. There is a lot of littering, pollution, overpopulation, and more. I pray that you have a chance to experience beautiful nature like I did. I am afraid that due to our generation that nature is totally messed up. I can tell you memorable moments when nature took my breath away. 

The first time I got on a plane I was terrified. Everyone would tell me to look out the window. As soon as I got in the air I looked outside and my nerves calmed down (for the most part). It was breathtaking seeing the water, the mountains, and land from a high point of view. I hope you will take a trip and take an airplane. You will be amazed by the beauty of the world. I will never forget that trip. I was traveling from Georgia to California. 

My second most memorable time viewing nature was when I was in Florida. The beaches were so beautiful and so peaceful. I felt so connected with nature. My feet in the hot sand, the wind blowing, the sound of the waves hitting the waters, it was just so peaceful. Stepping into the cold water and feeling the sand between your toes gives me a feeling I can never fully explain. Sometimes I wish I could stay near a beach and be there everyday. Nature gives me peace of mind. 

I want you to love the place you live in. As your big sister, I hope you the world is as beautiful as it was when I was younger. Explore nature and its beauty. Teach your kids about the importance of our nature. If the world is not in the best shape, make a change and try to help make it a better place. I love you dearly.

