Charles Sobhraj

The Serpent's Bite: The Chilling Tale of Charles Sobhraj, the Bikini Killer
He is one of the most notorious serial killers in history, but what drives a man to commit such heinous crimes?
Charles Sobhraj, known as the "Bikini Killer," is a French-Indian serial killer who preyed on tourists in South and Southeast Asia during the 1970s. His victims were mostly young women who were murdered after being befriended by Sobhraj and his accomplices.
The Serpent's Path
Sobhraj was born in Saigon, Vietnam, in 1944. His early life was marked by poverty and instability. As a young man, he traveled extensively throughout Asia, honing his skills as a con artist and thief. It was during this period that he first came into contact with the drug trade and began using fake passports and aliases.
In the early 1970s, Sobhraj teamed up with a group of accomplices, including Marie-Andrée Leclerc, a Canadian woman who became his lover and right-hand woman. Together, they targeted young tourists who were traveling the "hippie trail" through Asia. Sobhraj would often befriend his victims, pretending to be a fellow traveler or tour guide. Once he had gained their trust, he would drug them, rob them, and sometimes kill them.
Sobhraj's victims were often lured to his hotel room or apartment, where they would be drugged and then strangled or stabbed to death. He and his accomplices would then steal their passports, money, and other belongings.
In 1975, Sobhraj was arrested in India after he was implicated in the murder of a young Dutch woman. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison, but managed to escape in 1986. He was later recaptured and returned to India to serve out his sentence.
Sobhraj was released from prison in 2021 and deported to France. He has since retired to a quiet life in Paris.
The Serpent's Mind
What drives a man to commit such heinous crimes? There are many theories about Sobhraj's motivations. Some experts believe that he was a psychopath, a person with a lack of empathy and remorse. Others believe that he was driven by a desire for power and control.
Whatever his motivations, Sobhraj's crimes have left a lasting impact on the world. His story has been told in books, movies, and documentaries. He has become a symbol of the dark side of human nature.
  • The Serpent's Bite: The Chilling Tale of Charles Sobhraj, the Bikini Killer
  • The Serpent: A Netflix Original Crime Series
  • Charles Sobhraj: The Man Behind the 'Bikini Murders'
The Serpent's Legacy
Sobhraj's crimes are a reminder of the dangers that can lurk in the shadows. They are a warning to be careful of who you trust, especially when traveling alone.
Sobhraj's story is also a reminder of the power of evil. It is a reminder that there are people in the world who are capable of great cruelty and violence.
But Sobhraj's story is also a testament to the power of justice. He was eventually brought to justice for his crimes, and he is now serving a life sentence in prison.
Sobhraj's legacy is a complex and troubling one. He is a reminder of the darkness that can exist in the human heart, but he is also a reminder of the power of justice.