Chase The Race 2016

Chase The Race 2016


    The presidential election occurs every four to eight years. It helps us find a president that then leads our country and lives in the white house. Have you ever wondered about the presidential elections? Like "Are the Iowa caucus an accurate barometer for finding the new president?" Well read on to find out six essential questions on the presidential election you may have been curious about.

Sierra P., Sapana R., Chris C., Ashley L., Jayden S., and Berlynn S.


Iowa Caucuses: 

    The Iowa caucus are one of the first steps to finding and electing the president of the United States of America. " Are the Iowa caucuses an accurate barometer to electing the presidant?" Here is the first questions you may have been curios about. The answer to this question is that it is not an accurate barometer because it is one of the first stages in six stages in the election process. The point of the Iowa caucus is to primarily to just elimanate other canadates. Therefore, the Iowa caucuses are not an accurate barometer.


New Hamphshire Primary:

    The New Hamphshire Primary is also one of the very first steps in the election. You may have wondered " Is the New Hamphshire Primary an accurate barometer of who will win candidacy." It is an accurate barometer because it has elected two Republicans and two Democrats that further in in the election process have became the president. 


Super Tuesday:

   You may have been  wondering about the special day known as Super Tuesday. " How does Super Tuesday impact the process? What happens for the primairies and caucuses that follow." The answer to this question is, Super Tuesday makes it easier hold the primairies and caucuses. The primairies and caucuses that follow are easier to hold. The people earn states in the primairies and caucuses.


Information on the Canadates:

     So now you know more about the first stages about the election, but what about the canadates themselves? Someof the people running for the election are Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, John Kasich, Bernie Sanders, and others. The main Democrats are Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. The main Republicans are Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.