Chase the Race 2016

2016 Presedential Election

  Victoria M. Levi S. Mason P. Carter J. Sadie E. Sophia Z.

     Have you ever wondered which of the 2016 candidates will win? Well, all candidates are anxious to see who will be the next president of the United States as well. There will be many of the United States of America citizens that will vote, this will affect the overall turn out of the 2016n elections. The people running are: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, John Kasich, Bernie Sanders, and Ted Cruz.





                                                EQ#1:  Are the Iowa Caucuses an accurate barometer of who will win the candidacy?  Why or why not?














                                                  EQ#2: Is the New Hampshire Primary an accurate barometer of who will win the candidacy?  Why or why not?












                                                     EQ#3: How does Super Tuesday impact the process?  What happens for the primaries and caucuses that follow?











                                                                    EQ#4:1.   Who are the main candidates running for president for each party?

    Republicans:                                                                                                                                                                     Democrats:





































                                                  EQ#5:1.   What are the current predictions regarding the candidates running?  How does this impact the process?  Are the front runners always the winners?









                                                    EQ#6:1.   What are the primary differences between primaries and caucuses?  How do those differences impact the outcomes?