Chase The Race 2016

      In this website made by the below names, you will learn about how Super Tuesday effects the election process, does the front runner always when, what are the main runners in the election, what the differences be primaries and caucuses, are the Iowa Caucuses an accurate barameter of who will win the candidacy, and are the New Hampshire Primaries an accurate barameter of who will win the candidacy.

      Matthew E, Isabel K, Aly G, Brenna W, Ben S, and Amaris H.

      Are the Iowa Caucuses an accurate barameter of who will win the candidacy? 

     The first real indication of a candidate’s popularity 

        Are the New Hampshire Primaries an accurate barameter of who will win the candidacy? No, because only 3 out of 10 election members become the president. The New Hampshire Primaries create momentum for candidates. Winners try to appeal to New Hampshire Primaries and show other states they deserve to run in general elections.

        Who are the main candidates running for president for each party?

The main cnadidates runninig for president are Hillary Clinton (democractic) Bernie Sanders (democractic) Donald Trump (republican) Ted Cruz (republican). 


      How does Super Tuesday impact the process? What happens for the primaries and caucuses that follow? Super Tuesday impacts the process by getting many primaries and caucuses done, it also identifies front runners early in the race. Super Tuesday also affects the primaries and caucuses after by letting the public have an idea of who will win the nomination, and some candidates drop out after not doing well in Super Tuesday primaries, so there aren’t as many candidates left in primaries following Super Tuesday. Primaries and caucuses that follow also affect the national convention, Electoral College, and the general election. Delegates vote for the candidates at their political party’s national convention, usually based on the results of their state’s primaries or caucuses. Super Tuesday is important because these primaries compare the electability of each candidate and who is more appealing to a broader constituency. Feb. 5 was biggest Super Tuesday and about 23 states and territories participated. The first Super Tuesday, on March 1, included primaries in ten states. Super Tuesday is important because these primaries compare the electability of each candidate and who is more appealing to a broader constituency. Super Tuesday is the biggest day of the 2016 primary season, with 13 states and one territory participating: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming. Super Tuesday will be held on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 for the 2016 presidential election.

      Does the front runner always win? No, because many can get ahead.