Chase The Race 2016

Have you been keeping up with the latest news about this year's presidential race? On this page you will learn facts about the election you might not have known before with essential questions and answers that relate to the race of 2016.

Essential Questions and Answers:
1. Are the Iowa Caucuses an accurate barometer of who will win the candidacy?  Why or why not?
2. Is the New Hampshire Primary an accurate barometer of who will win the candidacy?  Why or why not?
3. How does Super Tuesday impact the process?  What happens for the primaries and caucuses that follow?
Super Tuesday impacts the process by getting many primaries and caucuses done, it also identifies front runners early in the race. Super Tuesday also affects the primaries and caucuses after Super Tuesday by letting the public have an idea of who will win the nomination, and some candidates drop out after not doing well on Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses, so there aren't as many candidates left in the primaries following Super Tuesday. Primaries and caucuses that follow also affect the National Convention, Electoral College, and the General Election.
4. Who are the main candidates running for president for each party?
Democratic Main Runners: Hillary Clinton from Illinois is a former sectatary of state. Bernie Sanders from Vermont is a US Senator. 
Democratic Drop Out: Martin O'Malley from Maryland is a Former Govenor, he dropped out on 2/1/16.
Republican Main Runners:  Ted Cruz from Texas is a US Senator. Donald Trump from New York is the Chairman and President of the Trump Organazation. John Kasich from Ohio is a Governor.
Republican Drop Out: Marco Rubio from Florida is a US Senator.
5. What are the current predictions regarding the candidates running?  How does this impact the process?  Are the front runners always the winners?
6. What are the primary differences between and caucuses?  How do those differences impact the outcomes?