Chelsea match

Chelsea match was a bore!

I went to the Chelsea match on Saturday and I was so excited. I had been waiting for this match for weeks and I was expecting a great game. But it was the most boring match I have ever seen.

The first half was so slow and uneventful. Chelsea had a few chances but they couldn`t score. The other team, Manchester United, didn`t have any chances at all. It was so boring that I almost fell asleep.

The second half was a little better, but not much. Chelsea finally scored a goal, but it was a lucky goal. Manchester United equalised a few minutes later. The rest of the match was just as boring as the first half.

I was so disappointed with the match. I had been so excited to go and I had such high hopes. But it was a complete waste of time. I will never go to another Chelsea match again.

Well, that`s not entirely true. I would go to another Chelsea match if they were playing against a really good team, like Real Madrid or Barcelona. But I wouldn`t go to a match against a team like Manchester United again. They are just too boring.

What did you think of the match? Let me know in the comments below.