Cheng Lei: A Story I'll Never Forget

I've always been one of those kids who sat in the front row of the class, eager to learn and participate. I loved school, especially history and literature. When I was in high school, I got the opportunity to go on a school trip to Beijing, China. I was so excited to learn about the country's rich history and culture. What I didn't expect was to make a friend who would change my life forever.
On our first day in Beijing, we visited the Forbidden City. It was incredible to see the ancient palace where Chinese emperors once lived. As we explored the vast complex, I noticed a young woman sitting alone on a bench. She had a book in her hand and was reading intently. I decided to sit down next to her and introduce myself. Her name was Cheng Lei, and she was a student at Beijing University.
We talked for hours that day, and I learned that she was passionate about history and literature, just like me. We exchanged contact information and promised to keep in touch. Over the next few years, we wrote letters to each other, sharing our thoughts on books, movies, and current events.
In 2018, I got the chance to travel to China again. I immediately reached out to Cheng Lei and we met up in Beijing. It was like no time had passed at all. We spent hours talking and laughing, and I felt like I had found a kindred spirit. Cheng Lei was smart, funny, and had a deep understanding of the world.
On my last night in Beijing, Cheng Lei invited me to her apartment for dinner. She cooked us a traditional Chinese meal, and we ate and talked for hours. As I was getting ready to leave, Cheng Lei gave me a gift. It was a small, hand-painted scroll with a poem written on it. The poem was about friendship and how it can last a lifetime.
I was so touched by Cheng Lei's gift. I knew that I had made a lifelong friend. I framed the scroll and hung it in my living room. It's a constant reminder of the incredible bond we share.
Cheng Lei has taught me so much about Chinese culture, history, and the importance of friendship. She's one of the most amazing people I've ever met, and I'm so grateful to have her in my life.
I know that our friendship will last a lifetime. No matter where we are in the world, we'll always be there for each other.