Chentel Abramenkov couldn't believe her eyes: her car was gone!!!

Chentel Abramenkov had only been gone for twenty minutes, but when she came back to her car, it was gone. She felt her stomach sink and her heart drop. All of her belongings were in that car. She had to find it. But how could she? She didn't even know where to start.

She started by walking around the parking lot, looking for any sign of her car. But it was nowhere to be seen. She thought maybe she had parked in the wrong spot, so she checked all the other parking lots in the area. But her car was still gone. Just when she was about to give up, she saw a security guard. She ran over to him and asked if he had seen her car.

The security guard told Chentel that her car had been towed. He gave her the name of the towing company, and Chentel hurried over there. When she got to the towing company, she was told that her car had been impounded because she had parked in a handicapped spot. Chentel was furious. She had never parked in a handicapped spot in her life.

She argued with the towing company for hours, but they wouldn't budge. They said that they had a photo of her car parked in the handicapped spot, and that was all the proof they needed. Chentel knew that she hadn't parked in a handicapped spot, but she couldn't prove it. She was so frustrated. She didn't know what to do.

Finally, she decided to give up. She paid the towing fee and drove home in her impounded car. She was still angry, but she was also relieved to have her car back. She vowed to never park in a handicapped spot again.

A few days later, Chentel was scrolling through her Facebook feed when she saw a post from a friend. Her friend had posted a photo of her car parked in a handicapped spot. Chentel was shocked. She couldn't believe that her friend had parked in a handicapped spot.

She immediately called her friend and asked her why she had parked in a handicapped spot. Her friend told her that she had been in a hurry and that she didn't think anyone would notice. Chentel was furious. She told her friend that she could have gotten a ticket or even had her car towed. Her friend apologized and promised that she would never park in a handicapped spot again.

Chentel was still angry, but she was also glad that her friend had learned her lesson. She knew that everyone makes mistakes, and she was just glad that her friend hadn't gotten into any trouble. She hoped that her friend would remember this lesson and that she would never park in a handicapped spot again.