The groundbreaking research of Dr. Vincent Felitti has shaped our understanding of the profound and long-lasting impact of childhood trauma.

Growing up, Bob Njagi's childhood was marked by abuse, neglect, and violence. It wasn't until he was in his 50s that he began to piece together the profound impact these early experiences had on his life. His struggles with addiction, depression, and relationship difficulties all had roots in the trauma he had endured as a child.

Njagi is not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 60% of Americans have experienced at least one type of childhood trauma. The effects of this trauma can be far-reaching, affecting everything from physical health to mental health to economic stability.

In the 1990s, Dr. Vincent Felitti, a preventive medicine physician, set out to study the long-term effects of childhood trauma. His groundbreaking Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study, published in 1998, was the first major study to examine the link between childhood trauma and adult health and well-being.

The ACEs study surveyed over 17,000 adults and found that those who had experienced four or more types of childhood trauma were at significantly increased risk for a range of health problems, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and depression.

The ACEs study revolutionized the way we think about childhood trauma. It showed that trauma is not just a temporary experience, but rather a life-altering event that can have a profound impact on a person's health and well-being throughout their life.

Dr. Felitti's work has helped to raise awareness of the importance of preventing childhood trauma and providing support to those who have experienced it. He has also been instrumental in developing new policies and programs to address the effects of childhood trauma.

Njagi credits Dr. Felitti's work with helping him to understand the connection between his childhood trauma and his lifelong struggles. He is now a vocal advocate for survivors of childhood trauma and works to educate others about the importance of prevention and healing.

The work of Dr. Vincent Felitti has had a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals. His research has helped to shape our understanding of the effects of childhood trauma and has led to the development of new policies and programs to address this critical issue.

Call to Action

If you or someone you know has experienced childhood trauma, there is help available. There are many organizations that provide support to survivors of childhood trauma, and there are also many resources available online. Please don't hesitate to reach out for help if you need it.