China's Big Retirement Plan

"China's getting old, and it's time to do something about it." That's what the government said when they announced their plan to raise the retirement age.
It's a big change. In the past, men could retire at 60 and women at 55. Now, men will have to work until they're 65, and women will have to work until they're 60.
The government says this is necessary because China's population is aging. There are more old people than young people, and that's putting a strain on the economy. The government needs more people to work in order to support the growing number of retirees.
But not everyone is happy about the change. Some people say it's unfair to force people to work longer. They argue that people should be able to retire when they want to, and that the government should provide more support for retirees.
Others say that the government is right to raise the retirement age. They say that it's necessary to ensure that China's economy remains strong. They also say that it's important to promote healthy aging and to keep people active and engaged in society.
The debate over retirement age is likely to continue for some time. But one thing is for sure: China's population is aging, and the government needs to find a way to address the challenges that come with that.