Choosing Art Work For Modern Homes


We rarely enter a home without an art piece in sight. Let’s face it: even the most self-proclaimed and the strictest minimalist has at least one art piece displayed in his home.

Art items help us express the personality we want to exude. These displays support the outlook of the room and the theme we want to approach. Searching for the right item can be irritating, intimidating and challenging especially if you admittedly lack art streaks.

No worries. The following tips prepared by partner interior designers of The Peterson Group Bespoke Condominium and Residences, expert in providing luxury apartment and residential in Singapore, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Indonesia and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, can be done by anyone.

1. Choose art that you like

There is nothing more creative than to uniquely create a space which reflects your personality. The more you hold back from your choice, the more it would not feel right.  It does not matter if it holds nothing much of value. What is important is that you have something in your home which you can happily go home to everyday.

2. Don’t Settle for a Single Medium

Why should it always be painting alone? Find the type of art pieces which can fit best in your space. Paintings will add a broader swathe of color.  Sculptures will add depth to the room, and mixed media pieces add texture or a mixture of visual elements. Review the options you have in mind and use it to your advantage.

3. See What is Out There

Art pieces cannot only be found in malls or expensive stalls. There are thousands of choices in flea markets. You may even be surprised on what you can find on the streets. Local art exhibits may also feature a good item to add to your display. Just watch out for fraud makes from suspicious sources.

4. Forget the Rules

Some people are too strict to confine themselves to what goes where that they forget to let loose. In the end, the results show bland and too common design taste. Remember that personality has no rules. Sometimes the most obscure piece of artwork has the capacity to ignite your wall.

5. Connect with the piece

Finally, try to find artworks that have a story and a connection with you and your space. You will love it so much more as it tends to always be an emotional purchase as it really is ‘the final touch’.