City to Surf

'Twas the night before City to Surf,
and all through the city,
runners were stirring,
both fit and quite jittery.

The streets were abuzz,
with excitement and chatter,
as runners gathered,
from near and quite far.

I, among them,
my nerves all a-flutter,
had spent months preparing,
for this day in September.

The course, a classic,
from the city to the sea,
a challenge for runners,
of all shapes and degrees.

As the sun peeked over the horizon,

we lined up at the start,
a sea of humanity,
with pounding hearts.

The gun sounded,
and we were off,
a surge of adrenaline,
as we pounded the rough.

Through the city streets,
we weaved and we wound,
up hills and down,
with determination unbound.

As we emerged from the city,

the course turned towards the shore,
the ocean breeze,
invigorated us more.

With each step,
we drew closer to the end,
the finish line in sight,
our spirits did ascend.

Finally, we crossed the line,
exhausted but elated,
a sense of accomplishment,
that could not be debated.

Whether you're a seasoned pro,

or a first-time runner,
City to Surf is a race,
like no other.

It's a test of endurance,
a celebration of sport,
and a chance to experience,
the beauty of our great port.

So if you're looking for a challenge,

or simply want to be a part,
of something special,
mark your calendar for next September.

Because City to Surf,
is an experience,
that will stay with you,
for a lifetime.