Clim Escarra Was Just Like You

It was a brisk autumn evening when Clim Escarra was getting ready for bed. He had just finished brushing his teeth and was about to put on his pajamas when he heard a knock at the door.

Clim opened the door to find his friend, Max, standing there.

"Hey, Clim," Max said. "I need you to come with me."

"What's up?" Clim asked.

"I found something amazing," Max said. "Come on, I'll show you."

Clim followed Max down the street to a small park. In the middle of the park was a large oak tree. Max ran over to the tree and pointed to a branch that was hanging low.

"Look," Max said. "There's a nest up there."

Clim looked up and saw a small bird's nest in the branches. There were three baby birds in the nest, all huddled together.

"They're so cute," Clim said.

"I know," Max said. "I've been watching them all day. They're just waiting for their mom to come back with food."

Clim and Max sat down on the ground next to the tree and watched the baby birds. They waited for what seemed like forever, but the mother bird never came back.

"I don't think she's coming back," Clim said.

"I know," Max said. "I think we should take them home and take care of them."

Clim and Max carefully climbed up the tree and took the baby birds down from the nest. They wrapped them up in a blanket and took them home.

Clim and Max's mom was surprised to see them with the baby birds, but she let them keep them. They named the baby birds Chirp, Tweet, and Peep.

Clim and Max took good care of the baby birds. They fed them and kept them warm. The baby birds grew stronger and bigger every day.

One day, Clim was playing with the baby birds when he noticed that they were flapping their wings. They were getting ready to fly!

"Look, Max," Clim said. "They're going to fly!"

Clim and Max watched as the baby birds took off into the air. They flew around the house and then out the window.

"I'm going to miss them," Clim said.

"Me too," Max said. "But they're ready to be on their own."

Clim and Max watched as the baby birds flew away. They were sad to see them go, but they knew that they were where they belonged.