Clinical Coding Westhill Consulting: The role

Who are we looking for?


Our exacting clients require the highest standards of service from Tribal Health Services. In the past, this has meant that we only employed accredited clinical coders, with a minimum of three years of NHS clinical coding experience and additional skills in all specialities. But this is changing …


Tribal wants experienced non-ACC clinical coders!

Now, Tribal’s looking for experienced clinical coders – even if you don’t have your ACC qualification.


Why the change? Our clients demand a very high standard of clinical coding performance but are increasingly worried about cost. They’re looking for added value.


Tribal Health Services has built its reputation supplying quality clinical coders and this will not change. To ensure quality coding is delivered, new non-ACC employees will be assessed and trained to achieve the new Tribal “Certificate of Clinical Competence”.


We’re delighted to offer non-ACC clinical coders the opportunity for further training and support with us – and encourage our employees to achieve ACC standards. But if you’re happy to remain working for us without taking your ACC, then that’s fine too!


Are you ACC qualified?

Tribal always needs ACC qualified clinical coders, too! And, Tribal can offer you additional training, support and development opportunities to become a mentor, qualified trainer or auditor. (Read about our clinical coders’ personal experiences of working with Tribal …)


Are you a qualified trainer or auditor?

If you’re a qualified trainer or auditor already, we’d be delighted to work with you and encourage you to participate in delivered training or carrying out PbR audits. – View Stefani Davis profile.