Cloudfy’s B2B Ecommerce Software 

Not only will B2B eCommerce software help you reach a larger customer base and attract more buyers, but it will also help you maximize sales by implementing automated cross-sell and up-sell programmes. For example, a large wholesaler who used our B2B eCommerce solution saw an average 10.5 percent increase in sales.  


B2B eCommerce is the sale of goods and services between businesses, online. Our B2B ecommerce solution provides the tools to build and manage your online store, from the creation of products to their listing on third-party marketplaces like Amazon.


These platforms are designed for B2B sales, not B2C (businesses selling to consumers). They also allow you to differentiate yourself from competitors by offering a unique experience with personalized service—all while boosting your bottom line.


B2B ecommerce software is a growing part of the business world. For many companies, it’s essential to their success. There are plenty of great options, so don’t hesitate to research and find which one works best for your needs.