What Is CNC Manufacturing?

Manufacturing can be an extremely intricate and labour-intensive process. It can take a massive number of employees putting in long man-hours to come up with an end product. However, with the innovations in technology, CNC manufacturing offers hope to significantly streamline the entire process.


CNC Manufacturing or Computerised Numerical Control Manufacturing is a revolutionary manufacturing process that uses pre-programmed software and code controls. These tools are used to control the movement of production equipment. Back in the day, complex machinery was controlled by hand wheels or levers, which created unprecedented issues. Even with old-school automation, a significant amount of manual effort was needed. But things have since improved and quite drastically! CNC Manufacturing uses a machining language called G-Code which feeds the production machine in question with precise measures such as speed, location, and coordination, thus simplifying operations by a great deal.


The benefits of CNC manufacturing companies are countless. It allows for the quick production of a variety of metal and plastic parts that can, in turn, serve as critical components for electronics, automobiles, aeroplanes and much more; thus, changing the world as we know it one invention at a time.