Croatia Natural Disasters (and how to prepare for them)

In Croatia, as are most countries, you have your fair share of natural disasters. In this website, I will warn you about the types of events you can expect and what you should pack to stay safe!



Earthquakes are a regular occurrence in Croatia, with around 5 happening every month. To prepare for this, acknowledge signs that warn you about sites that are still being reconstructed and pack some of the following:

Non-perishable food and water. (At least 3 litres, or 1 gallon, of water every day, where you refill this water supply to the amount daily. This will be used for drinking and sanitation. And at least 3 days’ worth of food or more if you can.)

An emergency radio, (battery-powered or hand cranked will both work well.) and a weather radio to alert you of other disasters.

Extra Batteries (if you radio is battery powered.)

First Aid Kit. (for any situation)

Basic toiletries. (for one’s own sanitation.)

Flashlight. (for if night falls and you are lost.)

Whistle. (to signal for help, if you aren’t to far from civilisation.)

Manual can opener. (if needed.)

Dust mask. (in case of a dust storm of a bushfire.)

Plastic Sheeting and duct tape. (if you need to seek overnight shelter)

Cell Phone with charger, backup battery, and downloaded maps of the local area. (Turning down the settings, such as brightness, for conserving battery is optimal, there are many YouTube tutorials for helping to conserve battery. Also, only turn on the screen if necessary, playing music will drain the battery faster.)


During the hot summer months, bushfires become common within Croatia. To prepare yourself for this event, make sure to always stay close to other people, such as a tour guide, when going through a large area of tightly parked vegetation. If smoke comes your way, get on the ground to avoid suffocation. Also pack some of the following: (if you have packed the same items in preparation of an earthquake earlier, then there is no need to pack the same item twice.)

Dust mask. (to help breathing further, when combined with crawling on the floor.)

Water. (for hydration, sanitation and helping to clean wounds or burns from the fire.)

First Aid Kit. (for further healing of wounds.)

Flashlight. (for navigation.)

Whistle. (for calling for help.)


Fast floods can be fatal if not prepared. If the see levels are high, then maybe stay on high ground until they drop to a safe standard. Once again, consider packing some of the following to stay safe in the events of a flood.


Water. (the water coming from the flood is most likely non-drinkable.)

Non-perishable food. (if flood last serval days.)

Torch. (if the flood carry’s on throughout the night.)

Mobile phone. (to contact help.)

Chargers and batteries. (for the torch and mobile phone.)

Medicines and first aid supplies. (for any occasion.)

Basic toiletries. (also, for one’s sanitation.)

Protective clothing. (to help keep safe.)

Hand sanitizer. (if the water is infected.)