Colin Giltrap: The Man Who Made New Zealanders Fall in Love with Cars

In the heart of New Zealand, there's a name that echoes through the automotive landscape: Colin Giltrap. An icon in the industry, he's the man who single-handedly transformed the way Kiwis thought about cars.

I still remember my first encounter with a Giltrap-branded car. I was a wide-eyed kid, mesmerized by the sleek lines and shimmering paint job. It was like a revelation, a vision of a world beyond the mundane.

  • From Humble Beginnings: Colin Giltrap's journey began in modest circumstances. However, his passion for cars knew no bounds. He started his own dealership in 1966, with just a few second-hand vehicles.
  • A Visionary Marketer: Giltrap was more than just a car dealer. He was a pioneer of automotive marketing. His innovative campaigns made owning a car aspirational, sparking a love for automobiles in the hearts of New Zealanders.
  • A Commitment to Excellence: Colin Giltrap believed in providing the best possible experience to his customers. His dealerships became renowned for their exceptional service, setting the benchmark for the industry.
  • A Legacy of Innovation: Throughout his career, Giltrap introduced groundbreaking ideas. From the first car supermarket in New Zealand to the implementation of extended warranties, he constantly pushed the boundaries.
  • A Passion for the Community: Colin Giltrap never forgot his roots. He was a generous supporter of local charities and organizations, always willing to lend a helping hand.

In 2013, after decades of shaping the automotive landscape in New Zealand, Colin Giltrap passed away. But his legacy lives on. His dealerships continue to thrive, carrying his unwavering spirit of innovation and customer service.

Today, the Colin Giltrap Group is a household name, synonymous with quality, reliability, and a deep-rooted passion for cars. It's a testament to the vision and dedication of an ordinary man who made an extraordinary impact on the lives of countless New Zealanders.


Colin Giltrap's story is not just about selling cars. It's about the power of a single individual to inspire a nation. He showed us that with passion, hard work, and a unwavering belief in dreams, anything is possible.

As we navigate the ever-changing world of transportation, let's remember the legacy of Colin Giltrap. Let's continue to embrace innovation, strive for excellence, and never lose sight of our love for the open road.