Colloidal Silver Drug Properties

Silver is one of the pure elements that is beneficial to human beings. In this article, the focus will be on how colloidal silver treats many diseases because it is toxic to microorganisms. Species like bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and viruses cannot survive in the presence of silver solution.
Because of the efficient treating properties, the solution is fast becoming a useful drug for the millions around the world. It is because many are using the drug to treat diseases and hence it is becoming an efficient curative substance. Many of the people that have used the drug agree that it has impressive curative properties.
Using silver as a treatment substance did not begin recently. Studies show that the research on the usefulness of silver has been done since 1938. Researchers discovered that the solution was harmless and effective in treating diseases. The other advantage is that silver does not react to form harmful compounds. When the protozoa, bacteria and virus are exposed to the solution they die. Silver is a chemical catalyst that curbs respiration in single-celled organisms.
Silver stimulates the growth of tissues as well as protect the natural body enzymes. Despite the many known benefits, manufacturers stopped making the solution because they thought it was expensive and it is was also complicated to patent the drug. However, since time in memorial, silver has been useful in curing bacterial and fungal infections.
The reason it is becoming more popular today is because it has become relatively affordable, and it can also treat various diseases. Those that discover its medicinal value have found it excellent because of its surprising results. These people profess that it is powerful against many infections.
The solution works such that it will suffocate the single-celled organism that causes infections. As a result, the organism cannot reproduce, and it dies. The solution is also used to preserve food especially in the olden days people used to put it in milk to prolong its freshness. These suspended ultra-fine particles are useful and more effective compared to the mainstream antibiotic and antifungal treatments.
The ions have the ability to promote bone growth and kill bacteria. Today silver suspensions are proving to be a wonder drug. Remember antibiotics alone can destroy over half the diseases in the world. With its antibacterial property, it is, therefore, effective in treating different diseases. Studies indicate that 650 single celled organisms cannot survive in a silver solution. As a result, it is better than the other mainstream antibiotics and is an excellent germ fighter.
Treatment using the silver drug is simple. You just put the suspension near the wound, and it disables oxygen supply in that area. It is so effective such that within minutes the pathogen dies and is removed by the body immune system. It leaves your tissue-cell enzymes intact only destroying the pathogen metabolism.
If you have never tried using the silver ions to treat your ailments, then you have been missing a very effective drug. The drug is safe and does not have side effects to human life or any multi-celled living matter such as reptiles, plants, and amphibians.
For the latest information about colloidal silver dosage, you should pay a visit to our website today. Additional details can be seen at now.