Conservative manifesto 2024

“There is no such thing as society”—so said Margaret Thatcher in 1987. That view must seem almost quaint in 2023, in an era in which corporate giants increasingly control vast swathes of our lives, and government intervention has become the central plank of our economy. The financial crisis of 2008 and subsequent recession laid bare the extent to which the free market can fail us, and the pandemic brought home the growing inequality and poverty that blight our society.

The Conservatives were elected in 2019 to “get Brexit done” and “level up” the country. However, the government’s handling of both Brexit and the pandemic has been widely criticized. The party is now trailing Labour in the polls, and there is a growing sense of disillusionment among its traditional supporters.

The Conservative manifesto for 2024 must address these concerns if the party is to win the next election. It must articulate a clear and compelling vision for the future of the country, and it must set out a set of policies that will deliver on that vision.

What should the Conservative manifesto for 2024 include?

  • A commitment to reducing inequality: The Conservatives must set out a plan to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. This could include measures such as increasing the minimum wage, raising taxes on the wealthy, and investing in public services.
  • A plan to tackle the cost of living crisis: The cost of living crisis is a major concern for many people in the UK. The Conservatives must set out a plan to help people with their bills, such as providing financial assistance, increasing the availability of affordable housing, and investing in renewable energy.
  • A commitment to protecting the environment: The Conservatives must set out a plan to protect the environment. This could include measures such as investing in renewable energy, reducing carbon emissions, and protecting green spaces.
  • A plan to improve public services: The Conservatives must set out a plan to improve public services. This could include measures such as increasing funding for schools, hospitals, and the police, and reforming the welfare system.
  • A vision for the future of the UK: The Conservatives must set out a vision for the future of the UK. This could include measures such as investing in education and skills, promoting entrepreneurship, and strengthening our international ties.

The Conservative manifesto for 2024 must be bold and ambitious. It must set out a clear and compelling vision for the future of the country, and it must set out a set of policies that will deliver on that vision. Only then will the Conservatives have a chance of winning the next election.

This article is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Conservative Party.