Consumer Code - Oakmere Home Advisors

We care about you

At Oakmere Homes we take our Customer Care and Customer Satisfaction very seriously. We wholly embrace the Consumer Code for Homebuilders and are fully committed to continuing our great levels of service.

Outlined below are the details of the Code. Please follow the links to print a copy of the document or contact us to be sent a copy by one of our team.

As a result of the Barker Review of 2004 and the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) Market Study into the house building industry dated October 2008, a group of stakeholders within the industry joined forces to develop a voluntary Code of Conduct for home builders to address the issues raised relating to customer service and satisfaction.

Home Builders may adopt the standards of good practice, procedures and information, as detailed in the guidance against each core requirement. Where a Home Builder decides to adopt a different approach to satisfy the core requirement, they must provide the similar level of information and achieve a comparable outcome to the same level as detailed in the guidance notes.

The Home Warranty providers have agreed to require all their registered builders to adopt and comply with the Code as a condition of their registration.

Where a Home Builder is found to be in serious breach of the Code, Home Warranty Bodies can apply a range of sanctions, including removal from the relevant Home Warranty Body's register and exclusion from all registers run by other Home Warranty Bodies who participate in the Code scheme.