Cork city Council Elections 2024

I woefully neglected to vote in the 2019 elections but was left with a sense of regret in the wake of it. I was uninspired by the candidates and their policies, and the thought of trekking down to the local polling station in the cold and rain was too much to bear. Fast forward a few years and I’ve never been more eager to cast my vote. I’m not alone either. After a long period of apathy towards these elections, there has been a noticeable shift. More and more people are getting involved, and a lot of that is undoubtedly down to the influence of social media.
I was speaking to a friend recently, and she told me that she was thinking of running for office in the next election. She’s a smart, capable woman who is passionate about making a difference in her community. I was so excited to hear about her plans, and I know that she would be a great representative for her constituents.
I’m sure there are many people like my friend who are considering running for office for the first time. Maybe you’re one of them. If so, I encourage you to do it. Your voice deserves to be heard, and your community needs your help.
Getting involved in local politics is one of the most important things you can do to make a difference in your community. Local elected officials have a direct impact on the lives of their constituents, making decisions about everything from zoning laws to school funding.
If you’re passionate about making a difference in your community, I encourage you to run for office. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

The 2024 Cork city Council Elections are your chance to make your voice heard. Don’t miss out!
Here are a few tips for getting involved in local politics:

  • Attend local government meetings. This is a great way to learn about the issues that are facing your community and to meet your elected officials.

  • Volunteer for a local campaign. This is a great way to get your feet wet in politics and to learn about the different candidates and their platforms.
  • Run for office yourself. This is the ultimate way to make a difference in your community. If you’re passionate about an issue, and you think you can make a difference, don’t be afraid to run for office.

  • The Cork city Council Elections are your chance to make a difference in your community. Don’t miss out!