Sustainable Packaging for Corporate Gift Hampers

Giving gifts actually builds, improves and reinforces relationships with family members, special ones and can be done for a variety of other reasons as well. Giving and receiving gifts plays such a vital role in our social fabric, that we can’t deny its importance at all.

Exchanging gifts between closed ones and family members is a common practice but using gifts like corporate gift baskets NZ, hampers or giving bonuses in the corporate sector is a great tool to build a gateway between employees, clients and owner, that helps to achieve brand goals and keep the employees motivated. These gifts help everywhere in increasing productivity, nurture development and increase consumer satisfaction. This is a very good and effective way of achieving a brand’s goals.

Appreciation is acknowledged by everyone, whether by words or through gifts like gift hampers NZ or corporate gift baskets NZ. They’re considered as a token of gratitude which strengthens bonds between all the links of the business including employees, suppliers, clients and final consumers too. A successful human and resource department works on designing the best possible policies for their employees and firm, so that the workers give their best and the company receives maximum benefits. Promotional gift hampers NZ and other forms of gifts are a very good way of advertising, promoting business and also it can spread brand awareness, developing footing in the customer’s mind and in everyday life as well.

Gifting mindfully is a great thing as it’s sustainable, needed by the person, or a gift that would stay in their use even after years. When we decide to give a gift that fits the three R’s and is ethical, we must have some good ideas to execute our plan. We have a list of ways and new ideas that are eco-friendly and would be loved by recipients as well. Let’s check them out.

1- Gift a Plant

I can’t look at anything else than a plant to anyone whom you love and want to give a gift to. I consider it one of the best gifts because a small baby plant is just like a small child for the receiver as they’ll care for them daily. Nature is serene and brings calmness and peace in everyone. This unique gift would be appreciated by anyone and indeed will benefit our environment for sure. You can even give a fresh bouquet of flowers from your garden full of

colors and inspiring smells. Potted plants also make a great gift or give bulbs or starter plants which can eventually be moved to their garden soon. These plants provide you with fresh air, improving air quality and making you feel fresh.

2- Use Eco-Friendly Ways of Packing

When a gift is purchased, we also have to consider a great packing to make it look appealing and eye-catching. A little creativity and picking sustainable material from around can go a long way. Using newspapers or colored papers as wrapping sheets is a different idea of utilizing used newspaper wastage and it’s also decomposable. You can even use a gift hamper NZ made from cardboard which you can decorate with different materials available at home. Even dried flowers and potpourri work like magic. Baskets made from cane or wood is another very good idea of presenting your gift in a recyclable and reusable material.

3- Coffee Based Gift

What better than a cup of coffee to start a day especially when you’re a workaholic and you need something to give you a kick start. People working in offices need that booze of coffee because it’s a multisensory experience for many coffee lovers. Invest not just in a cup or mug of coffee that may be customized according to their services or maybe name but think further by buying different coffees, lattes and espressos for your staff, so that they feel much more obliged than ever. Also you can gift the department with a coffee maker, grinder, frother or temperature control mugs.

4- Organic Gourmet Gift Hampers

You can design different gift hampers NZ according to the preferences, tastes and the level of achievements attained by the recipient. You can go for any particular main thing along with small complimentary goodies in it like trail mix snacks, dried fruits, wine, cheese or many other excellent options available in the market. Gifts increase the excitement of the receiver because it has many small things that can excite them. You can also place a handwritten note of thankyou to the employee for their contribution to the firm.

Summing Up

Using the tool of giving corporate gift baskets NZ to your customers along with the products they’ve purchased is an amazing way of making the customer loyal to your brand and every time opting for your brand only. Though choosing a sustainable packing gift that would be loved by the receiver and will not harm our environment is a daunting task but impact of these small decisions and your little choices makes your planet a better living space for all of us.