Council Elections 2024: What You Need to Know

As the 2024 Council Elections draw closer, it's time to start getting informed about the candidates and the issues at stake. This guide will provide you with everything you need to know about the election, including how to register to vote, where to find information on the candidates, and what to expect on Election Day.

Who can vote in the Council Elections?

  • All Australian citizens aged 18 years and over who live in the municipality are eligible to vote in the Council Elections.
  • You must be enrolled to vote in order to cast a ballot. You can enroll online or at your local council office.

How do I register to vote?

  • You can register to vote online at the Australian Electoral Commission website:
  • You can also register to vote at your local council office.

Where can I find information on the candidates?

  • The best way to find information on the candidates is to visit their websites or social media pages.
  • You can also find information on the candidates in the local newspapers and on the websites of the major political parties.

What should I expect on Election Day?

  • On Election Day, you will need to take your voter registration card to your local polling place.
  • You will be asked to present your voter registration card and to sign the electoral roll.
  • You will then be given a ballot paper and you will be able to vote for the candidates of your choice.

What are the key issues in the Council Elections?

  • Some of the key issues in the Council Elections include:
  • Local infrastructure, such as roads, parks, and libraries.
  • The environment, such as climate change and pollution.
  • The local economy, such as jobs and businesses.

The Council Elections are an important opportunity for you to have your say on the future of your municipality. Make sure you are registered to vote and that you cast your ballot on Election Day.

Here are some additional tips for voting in the Council Elections:

  • Make sure you are registered to vote before the deadline.
  • Research the candidates and their platforms before you vote.
  • Vote for the candidates who you believe will best represent your interests.
  • Don't forget to take your voter registration card to the polling place on Election Day.
  • If you have any questions about voting, please contact your local council office.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your voice is heard in the Council Elections.