It`s not merely about the course but also about knowing the right course. It`s like throwing an arrow only to miss the target by an inch. It`s not the arrow's fault nor the archer's. It`s the target that was not set right. And that`s the thought behind choosing the right course. One must know what's the target in the first place.
A course is something that's set, a path that`s defined. Taking a course means moving along a defined path. And this predefined path is what makes all the difference. If you want to go from point A to point B, you must know the way. If you don't know the way, you might end up lost, or worse, end up somewhere you never wanted to be.
This is where the right course comes into the picture. The right course is nothing but the right path that leads to your destination. It`s the path that takes you from where you are to where you want to be. It`s not just about education but also about enlightenment. It`s not just about learning but also about understanding. It`s not just about textbooks but also about textbooks. It`s not just about the subjects but also about the subject matter. It`s not just about the grades but also about the knowledge. It`s not just about the certificate but also about the experience.
So, choose your course wisely.
The future you want is the course you take.