Covid Rapid Test Is One Way To Rule Out Corona

Corona can be detected by covid rapid test in miami sensitivity and rate of detection are tested by conducting 10 mo and 5 mo oral sampling protocol for oral, nasal and throat swabs of 2 of the 6 original patients and 5 healthy patients.


Eight patients have random sample tested in 5 mo period. Results shows significant differentiation between nasal and throat swabs from the individuals. The nasal swabs contain 40% more viral RNA and specific antibodies. Twenty patients are tested in 5 mo period. The breath sample provides much greater sensitivity than oral swab. Test is 100% accurate of the differential diagnosis between oral and nasal samples. The combined test has a 5% false positive rate.


Passage through mucous membranes in lungs and nasal cavity are the most likely routes of spread of the virus and therefore better detection tools are needed to be implemented in diagnosing viral respiratory infections. Using a novel rapid test, however, enables the test to detect the virus much earlier than the current practice.


“Being a medical practitioner who has been treating infectious disease for over 20 years I am intrigued by this test. I would be excited to start using this new diagnostic in my practice. It is a great way of diagnosing and treating patients before they are tested by the conventional diagnostic methods.”


Read more about the Covid rapid test

I’m curious to know about any other developments to detect viral respiratory infections.

I think the best way of treating viral respiratory infections is by catching it early. The much more effective and accurate tests like the nebulizer or the bronchodilator should be recommended over the current modality of aerosol tests.

You can check if you have viral respiratory infection using the test.


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Company Name: Mask Protection Group

Address: 19591 NE 10th Ave Bldg 3, Bay F/G

Phone: (833) 462-7577
