Cow Slaughter Laws in India

History of Cow slaughter bans in India, by an Indian ,in Panchajanya  
Cow Slaughter Ban is a State subject. Cow Slaughter Law Passes with year and punishment for each state is as under:- 1. AP – 1977 – only Bulls/Bullocks unfit for work- cognizable offence – 6 months Rs 1000 fine. 2. Arunachal – NO BAN 3. Assam -1950 – Only animals above 15 years – cognizable offence- 6 months Rs 1000 fine. 4. Bihar -1955- Only Bulls/ Bullocks above 15 years- cognizable offence – 6 months Rs 1000 fine. Exporting cattle outside state for butchering banned. 5. Daman and Diu- 1978- Total ban except when suffering from disease or Medical research. Cognizable non-bailable offence – 2 years –Rs 1000. 6. Delhi - 1994- Total ban. Possession of Beef outside Delhi also offence. Cognizable non-bailable – 5 years –Rs 10,000. 7. Goa – 1978 - Total ban except when suffering from disease or Medical research. Amended in 1995 allowing slaughter of Bull/Bullocks/ male calf. Cognizable non-bailable offence – 2 years –Rs 1000. 8. Gujarat – 1954- Total ban. Cognizable non-bailable – 6 months –Rs 1000. Amended in 2011 to include transportation also an offence and enhance punishment to 7 years and 50,000. 9. Haryana-- 1955- Total ban. Cognizable non-bailable with burden of proof on accused. Sale of BEEF prohibited. – 5 years –Rs 5000 fine. 10. HP- 1955- Total ban. Cognizable non-bailable with burden of proof on accused. Sale of BEEF prohibited. – Export of Cow for slaughter prohibited. 2 years –Rs 1000 fine. 11. J&K -1932. Total ban. – 10 years – fine – five times the cost of cow. Possession of BEEF to offence with ONE year and Rs 500 fine. 12. Karnataka -1964- Cow slaughter banned. Bulls/Bullocks above 12 years allowed. Cognizable offence. Transportation outside state also offence. – 6 months –Rs 1000 fine. 13. Kerala- No Ban. Every Panchayat obliged to provide stall to sell meat including BEEF. 14. MP 1959- Cow slaughter banned. Bulls/Bullocks above 15 years allowed. Cognizable with burden of proof on accused. – 5 years –Rs 5000 fine. Transportation to states where beef ban is not prohibited not allowed. 16. Maharashtra- 1976- Cow slaughter banned. Uneconomical Bulls/Bullocks allowed. Cognizable offence. Burden of proof on accused. – 6 months –Rs 1000 fine.- 2015 BEEF BAN on export too – 5 years-10,000. 17. Manipur – 1939 Banned by Kings proclamation. No Law. 18. Meghalaya – NO BAN 19. Mizoram- NO BAN 20. Nagaland – NO BAN 21. Odisha – 1960- Cow slaughter banned. Bulls/Bullocks above 14 years allowed. 2 years Rs 1000 fine Cognizable offence. 22. Pondichery Cow slaughter banned. Bulls/Bullocks above 15 years allowed. Cognizable non-bailable- 2 years – Rs 1000. 23. Punjab- 1955 Total ban. Cognizable non-bailable with burden of proof on accused. Sale of BEEF prohibited. – Export of Cow for slaughter prohibited. 2 years –Rs 1000 fine. 24. Rajasthan- 1995 Total ban. Cognizable non-bailable with burden of proof on accused. Sale of BEEF prohibited. – Export of Cow for slaughter prohibited. 2 years –Rs 10,000 fine. 25. Sikkim – NO BAN 26. Tamilnadu – 1958 – All animals above 10 years can be slaughtered. Amended in 1976 to ban Cow Slaughter. No ban on Bulls/Bullocks above 10 years. 6 months Rs 1000. 27. Telangana – Same as AP. 1977 – only Bulls/Bullocks unfit for work- cognizable offence – 6 months Rs 1000 fine. 28. Tripura- NO BAN. 29. UP – 1955- Cow slaughter banned. Bulls/Bullocks above 15 years allowed. Cognizable non-bailable -2 years Rs 1000 fine. Amended in 2001 prohibiting slaughter of Cow and its progeny. 30. West Bengal- 1950- Cow slaughter banned. Bulls/Bullocks above 15 years allowed. Cognizable - 6 months Rs 1000 fine. --------------- Only Kerala, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura are the only states which has not banned cow slaughter. Even West bengal ruled by CPM for 30 years has anti-cow slaughter laws. So please AGITATE to REPEAL all these LAWS rather than insisting on not adhering to LAW.