Craig Revel Horwood: The Truth Behind the 'Mean' Judge

Craig Revel Horwood, the notoriously "mean" judge on "Strictly Come Dancing," has become a polarizing figure in the world of ballroom dance. Some viewers love his acerbic wit, while others find him cruel and unfeeling.

But behind the facade of the stern judge, lies a complex and fascinating individual with a life story that is both inspiring and heartbreaking.

Early Life and Career

Craig Revel Horwood was born in Ballarat, Australia, in 1965. He began dancing at a young age and quickly showed a natural talent for it. In his late teens, he moved to London to pursue a career in dance.

Horwood's early career was marked by both success and setbacks. He won several prestigious dance competitions but also faced discrimination due to his sexuality. Undeterred, he continued to work hard and eventually established himself as one of the UK's leading choreographers.

"Strictly Come Dancing"

In 2004, Horwood joined the judging panel of "Strictly Come Dancing," the BBC's flagship dance competition. His sharp critiques and often cutting remarks quickly made him a favorite with viewers.

However, Horwood's "mean" persona has also been the subject of much controversy. Some have accused him of bullying contestants and creating a hostile atmosphere on the show. Others argue that his critiques are fair and that he is simply holding contestants to a high standard.

Beyond the Ballroom

Outside of "Strictly Come Dancing," Horwood is a respected choreographer and theater director. He has worked on numerous stage productions, including "Chicago" and "Cats."

Horwood is also a vocal LGBTQ+ advocate. He has spoken out against homophobia and discrimination and has been a role model for many young people.

Personal Life

Horwood is fiercely private about his personal life. However, he has opened up in recent years about his struggles with depression and anxiety.

In a candid interview, he revealed that he had once considered taking his own life. He credits the support of his friends and family for helping him through this difficult time.


Whether you love him or hate him, there is no denying the impact that Craig Revel Horwood has had on the world of dance. His sharp wit, theatrical flair, and unwavering dedication have made him one of the most recognizable and controversial figures in the industry.

And behind the "mean" facade, there lies a complex and compassionate individual who has overcome great adversity to achieve his dreams.

So, the next time you see Craig Revel Horwood on your screen, remember that there is more to him than meets the eye.