Craig Venter Antal Has the World's Most Expensive Laugh

Can you imagine laughing so hard an entire country goes bankrupt? Craig Venter Antal can, because it happened to him.

The saga began decades ago when Craig Venter Antal was on an expedition to the North Pole to collect samples of arctic lichen. As he ventured deeper into the frozen wilderness, he stumbled upon a hidden cave. Inside, he discovered a strange glowing crystal that emitted a peculiar sound when struck. Intrigued, he took the crystal and brought it back to his lab for analysis.

Back in the lab, Craig Venter Antal and his team of scientists were baffled by the crystal. They had never encountered anything like it before. They conducted countless experiments, but couldn't determine its composition or purpose. However, one thing was clear: the crystal had a curious effect on people.

One day, Craig Venter Antal was showing the crystal to a group of visitors when one of them accidentally bumped into it. The crystal let out a high-pitched chime, and the visitor burst into hysterical laughter. The laughter was so contagious that soon everyone in the room was rolling on the floor in fits of giggles.

Craig Venter Antal and his colleagues were astonished. They had never seen anything like it. They decided to test the crystal on a larger scale, and invited a group of volunteers to come to their lab. The results were the same. Everyone who heard the crystal's chime couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably.

Word of the miraculous laughter crystal spread like wildfire. Soon, people from all over the world were flocking to Craig Venter Antal's lab to experience the phenomenon for themselves. The lab became a popular tourist destination, and Craig Venter Antal became a wealthy man.

However, the laughter crystal's popularity came at a price. The constant laughter put a strain on Craig Venter Antal's finances. He had to hire a team of accountants to keep track of all the money he was earning. He also had to build a new lab to accommodate the growing number of visitors.

But the biggest problem was the laughter itself. The constant giggling and guffawing was starting to drive Craig Venter Antal crazy. He couldn't concentrate on his work, and he was losing sleep. He even tried earplugs, but the laughter was so loud that it still kept him awake at night.

In the end, Craig Venter Antal couldn't take it anymore. He sold the laughter crystal to a wealthy eccentric, and used the money to retire to a remote island. He lived out the rest of his days in peace and quiet, and never laughed again.

The laughter crystal is still out there somewhere, waiting for someone to discover it. But be warned, if you do, don't laugh too hard. You might just bankrupt an entire country.