Craven Chiropractic In Land O Lakes FL, Offers Safe Options For Sciatica

Land O'Lakes FL, 05-JULY-2016 - Craven Chiropractic Clinic and Dr. Michael Craven DC, are pleased to announce that chiropractors offer safe options for problems in the sciatic nerve. The Land O Lakes FL chiropractor uses natural methods to alleviate the pain associated with sciatica. The condition is quite painful and can significantly interfere with mobility and enjoyment of life. Chiropractors don't use drugs as painkillers, as the pharmaceuticals only mask pain.


The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in the human body. The nerve runs from the base of the spinal cord, where it splits and marks a path down each leg, all the way to the feet. When the nerve is compressed at the spinal cord, due to a subluxation in the vertebrae, it causes pain to radiate in the hip or the leg. The pain will be felt in one leg or the other, not both. The location of the pain depends on the site of the pressure on the nerve.


The pain can be severe for some patients. Other people will experience infrequent and irritating pain which has the potential to become worse. The first step in chiropractic therapy for sciatic pain is to restore the alignment of the spinal column. This action will relieve pressure on the discs which bulge into the soft tissue and the nerve.


A manual adjustment to restore alignment is done by the chiropractor. The doctor may also make suggestions about posture and exercise which will help to improve the strength of the muscles and connective tissues.


Learn more about relief from sciatic pain by visiting the website online at today. Members of the press and others who have more questions about the contents of this press release are encouraged to contact Dr. Michael Craven at the location provided below.




Contact Person Name: Dr. Michael Craven

Company Name: Craven Chiropractic Clinic

Address: 5420 Land O Lakes Blvd Ste 105, Land O' Lakes, FL 34639

Contact Telephone Number: (813) 501-6783

Email: [email protected]
