Hand bags in 2022

When it comes to high-end handbags and fashion in general, you’ll find many many publications around the world covering them. But personally, I like the intimacy of handbag blogs. It feels good to get a person’s opinion and personal thoughts without the expectation of buying.

The experience and opinions you’ll find in handbag blogs are invaluable. And they're applicable whether you're hoping to score a Hermès Birkin, a Lady Dior, or are wondering hand bags if you need to insure your bag collection.Through the years, there has been considerable commentary over our tendency to lug around an assortment of stuff everywhere we go.

But ladies, won't you agree that the same folks who poke fun at us and our packed bags are the first ones to turn to us for the essentials we carry. Perhaps that bears testimony to just how underplayed handbags are as closet essentials. Between glittery 6-inch heels and broad cinching belts with gold emblems, handbags fall at the midpoint of trend and practicality in the world of fashion accessories. 

On top of their undeniable utility, handbags also bring a lot of versatility to your styling options. The same bag when paired with a neutral work outfit will yield very different results than when it is thrown together with an evening dress. But there's another undeniable factor at play here, handbags can also be through the roof expensive. So it goes without saying that the handbags you choose to include in your wardrobe, should meet your fashion needs perfectly and in multiple ways.The colour combination of different shades of beige make this bag immensely versatile for styling, and you can pair it with a straight-laced work outfit with just as much elegance as you can with a dark night look. This bag comes with one large compartment coupled with 2 inner pockets, a button closure as well as a detachable sling strap, so you can wear it as you please! 

At the cost of sounding just a tad over-dramatic, I'd like to state that a handbag is more than just a purse to a woman, it's her portable world packed in a safety net. Think about it, whether you're stopping by for a quick check-in on your BFF, or somehow ended up stranded amid a literal cyclone, as long as your bag is by your side, you have everything you need.

Unlike men who quickly grab their keys and wallet, stuff it into their unbelievably large pockets and dash out of the door, women are a lot more watchful of what they take along with them. From lip balm for chapped lips to an emergency stash of makeup, and from hoarded tissues to sanitary napkins, a lot is going on in a woman's handbag. Not to mention, keys, wallet, water, sunscreen, phone charger, earphones, mint, hairpins, and....I'm out of breath!