Creative Services of the Right List

The challenge to get through filters and algorithms has become a serious headache for many companies. An algorithm is a code set up on a potential customer’s email client. These codes will prohibit email to be delivered to an email box. It may be trigger words, colors, links, broadcast time, amount of html code and amount of syntax errors in the subject line or creative that prohibits the email from getting to the inbox. Our creative and IT teams are professionals that know exactly how to set up an email creative. TRL uses cutting edge custom software that checks and grades the deliverability of each creative. With this software we have the ability to make all of the necessary adjustments to ensure your email will get delivered.

At The Right List, we’ve seen firsthand how marketing-driven creative provide our clients huge breakthroughs in response, doubling or tripling response rates, increased order sizes, and longer customer retention. Creatives like these aren’t just words and pictures... it can only work when based on a solid marketing strategy. Today you have a lot of creative options; it is difficult to know which variation will deliver the best results. Our team will work with you to deliver the right level of creative and interaction for the message you want to send. The Right List’s creative services team knows how to produce the optimal balance of response-oriented copy and creative elements to engage the reader, increase click-through rates, and convert them to purchase. We work with websites of all types, and we are eager and ready to bring you on as a valued client. Your satisfaction is our number one priority.