
It's always the same old story. You're on a flight, and the person next to you is driving you crazy. They're talking too loudly, they're hogging the armrest, or they're just plain rude.
What can you do? You could try to ignore them, but that's not always easy. You could try to talk to them, but that could just make things worse.
Or, you could try my secret weapon: the "crew."
The crew is a team of highly trained professionals who are dedicated to making your flight as enjoyable as possible. They're there to help you with anything you need, from finding your seat to getting you a drink.
But the crew can do more than just help you with practical matters. They can also help you to deal with difficult passengers.
For example, if the person next to you is talking too loudly, you can ask the crew to remind them to keep their voice down. If the person next to you is hogging the armrest, you can ask the crew to help you to get it back.
And if the person next to you is just plain rude, you can ask the crew to move you to a different seat.
The crew is always there to help you, so don't be afraid to ask for their help. They're there to make your flight as enjoyable as possible, so don't be afraid to let them know if you're having a problem.