Cristian Barrera's Peer Reviews

Cristian Barrera"s Peer Review

Name of Whose Work You Are Working On: Chris Ginnaven

 Evaluator: Cristian Barrera


Story Structure: 5

-The structure of the story was really well crafted. It flowed nicely.

Characterization: 4

-Introduced the characters well, could have talked more about the characters other than John.


Ideas: 5

- Established the main ideas from the beginning of the story.


Designing Organization: 4

-The structure of the essay was great and I understood everything that was happening, just got confused at one point but overall it was great.

Specific Assignment Directions: 5

-Followed the directions well.

Language Use: 

Description: 5

- The dialogue was written well and established the main ideas. There was no confusion of what was happening.

Word Choice: 5

-The word choice fit well with the story.

Sentence Variety: 5

- The sentence structure was great.

Voice/Sense of Audience: 5

-I feel that the story grabbed the audience's attention well.



Grammar/Punctuation: 5

-I didn't find any grammar or punctuation mistakes.

Spelling and Word Usage: 5

-The word usage fit the flow of the story.

Overall Assignment Presentation: 5

-Follow the MLA style and directions well.



-The best aspect of the story is the overall idea of the story. I just thought it was different and that's what made it fun to read.

-One aspect to work on is just to talk about the other characters more like Suzanne.

The grade I would give this assignment is: A


Name of Whose Work You Are Working On: Ian Kruse

Evaluator: Cristian Barrera


Story Structure: 5

-The plot of the story was great, and it flowed well.

Characterization: 4

-I think the characters could have been described a little bit more.


Ideas: 5

-The central idea of the story was there and it was applied throughout the story.


Designing Organization: 5

-The format of the essay was great and it didn't miss a beat.

Specific Assignment Directions: 5

-Followed the directions well.

Language Use: 

Description: 5

-The setting was described very well. The descriptions is what got me hooked. 

Word Choice: 5

-The word choice was great and it translated well with the descriptions.

Sentence Variety: 5

-Sentences were good, but it just seemed like time elapsed fast every sentence.

Voice/Sense of Audience: 4

-The dialogue was good, got confused at who was talking at one point.


Grammar/Punctuation: 5

-Did not find any mistakes.

Spelling and Word Usage: 5

- The spelling and word usage fit well with the story.

Overall Assignment Presentation: 5

-Followed proper MLA format



-The best aspect of your essay are the descriptions of the setting and everything around the main character.

-One aspect that may require further revision would just be the dialogue but everything else was great.

The grade I would give this assignment is: A


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