CS: Not Just Code

What exactly is CS?
A lot of people don't understand that Computer Science is way more than just coding and programming. CS, also known as "Computer Science," is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation, and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems. As such, CS is the science of problem-solving and algorithm development.
CS has four main pillars:
  • Algorithms and Complexity- These are the methods we use to solve problems and the amount of resources they need.

  • Data Structures- These are the methods we use to organize and store data.

  • Theory of Computation- This explores the limits of what computers and algorithms can do.

  • Software Engineering- This is how we use all these things to write programs and make them work well.
What makes CS so awesome?
There are many reasons that someone might love CS, but here are a few of my favorite reasons:
  • It's everywhere! Almost anything you use today uses CS in some way.

  • It's essential for a modern workforce. Even non-tech jobs increasingly require at least a basic understanding of CS.

  • It's fascinating! There's always something new to learn in CS.
So, what can you do with a CS degree?
There are many different careers that you can pursue with a degree in CS. Some of the most popular options include:
  • Software Engineer

  • Data Scientist

  • Web Developer

  • Computer Systems Analyst

  • Information Security Analyst
Is CS right for you?
If you're someone who likes to solve problems, learn new things, and be creative, then CS might be the right field for you. It's a challenging but rewarding field that offers a lot of opportunities for growth.
So, what are you waiting for?
If you're interested in learning more about CS, there are many resources available online. You can also take courses at your local community college or university. And if you're really serious about it, you can even get a degree in CS.
No matter what your level of experience, there's always something new to learn in CS. So dive in and start exploring!