Frankenstein's creation. Life or Death

         Frankenstein new and vile experiment that is purely against nature either needs to be destroyed or spared. The monster presented in the movie was created through a series of experiments that today would be considered mad science and a crime not only against the law but nature itself. However the so called "monster" has been shown to have feelings of fear, concern, and desire. Its no question that this thing is human both mentally and physical and deserves all of the same rights and obligation of any one walking on the streets of Switzerland today. 

     Frankenstein creation can be considered human and is deserving of all the rights of regular people but he has committed a series of crimes that are inexcusable. However all those crimes could have been meant for self protection. Other deaths or injuries can be explained, simply he had lack of knowledge as he was born hours ago. This brings up another point, the average age for the death penalty is 18 and the youngest ever person to receive the sentence was 14, this means the creation is protected by law from being killed. Technically he couldn't even go to jail as the minimum age requirement is 10 and the youngest person to go to jail was 13. It is simple all charges against the creation must be dropped due to the age requirements set for both the U.S.. and Switzerland.

     To be frank (No pun intended) the creation presented to us is safe by the law and no further actions or investigations need to be taken place due to the law preventing charges to be pressed on the creation. Simply the creation should be taught properly and given a second chance to rehabilitate to rejoin society.