Cyclone nz

I've always been fascinated by cyclones. Growing up in New Zealand, we'd often get the tail end of these storms, and I'd marvel at the power of nature as the wind howled and the rain lashed against the windows. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be in the eye of one of these storms.
Years later, I got my wish – though not in the way I had imagined. I was working as a journalist in the Pacific Islands when a cyclone hit the island nation of Vanuatu. I was sent to cover the story, and while there, I had the opportunity to experience the full force of the storm.
It was an incredible and humbling experience. I saw firsthand the devastation that these storms can cause. I also saw the resilience of the people who live in these areas and their ability to rebuild their lives after such a disaster.
Since then, I've always kept a close eye on cyclones, and I'm always impressed by their power and unpredictability. I'm also grateful for the opportunity to have experienced one firsthand, and I hope that one day I'll be able to share that experience with others.