Benefits of Polynesian Dance

For recent years, many countries laud Polynesian dancing as a form of art. From Hawaii to Tahiti, they developed such choreography into a variety of cultures. Polynesian Dance is still one of the popular ones among many traditional dances and has captured the eyes of many over time. That is because of the benefits for mental and physical health that people can get from doing such dance.

If you're not sure if it's worth your time and money but want to try, here's a list of benefits that Polynesian dancing that may encourage you to do it. Read down below.


Maintains and improves motor skills

Polynesian dance helps improve your focus because it involves different movements and directions. It sharpens your mental functioning and builds control and coordination.


Improves endurance and stamina levels

You will have more focus and resilience to keep doing anything for a longer time if you do more Polynesian dancing. These are great skills to practice and be able to use in your day-to-day life.


It’s feel-good and fun

If you want to have fun, better join Polynesian dance groups. It invites you to move your body freely and to connect again with yourself.


Increases aerobic fitness

Polynesian dancing is helpful for your heart and lungs. It can get your heart rate up and help you focus on your breathing. Because of that, it also improves your circulation and respiration.


Boosts your mood

Polynesian dancing can lift your spirit and boost your mood. Socialising with friends and connecting with your partner through joining a Polynesian dance group can promote the release of the feel-good hormones oxytocin and serotonin. Plus, research has shown that touching a loved one, which you’ll do while you sway your hips on this dance, lowers your blood pressure and pulse—two things that can reduce your risk of heart disease.


Improves your overall health and well-being

Joining Polynesian dance groups can, not only make you healthy but also improve your quality of life. An American Heart Association study shows that older patients who suffered heart failure, and who subsequently enrolled in a Polynesian class, had improved oxygen levels, artery elasticity and other cardiac indicators compared to people who did other forms of exercise. What’s more, the dancing group experienced better sleep, increased sexual activity, and reduced anxiety levels.


Strengthens bones

One of the best ways to enhance bone mass and muscle strength is Polynesian dancing. It can help those who have low bone density. Certain dance steps, especially those that get you moving from side to side, improve the strength of your tibia, femur and other leg bones—which bear the majority of your body’s weight. By building up your bone mass, you can ward off or slow down the progression of osteoporosis.


Improves physical health

Polynesian dancing improves physical toning. Doing so will help you target all the important parts of your body. It can also serve as both a low-impact and cardiovascular workout, strengthening the back muscles and posture.


Boost your mind

Polynesian dancing not only it improves your physical health, but also sharpens your memory.  Memorising the steps is only part of the dance, as you can also learn the meanings of the movement when studying the dance, as well as the stories, myths and legends behind it.


Good for the spiritual being

Polynesian dance can help you to de-stress because it uses songs about nature, which is relaxing. What’s more, visualising and interpreting the words with movement can mentally transport you to the Islands, connect you to nature, and provide a unique spiritual experience. You can also experience the “Spirit of Aloha” by building lifelong friends. In a way, the people you meet while studying Polynesian dance can become your "Hula Sisters, Brothers, and Ohana".


Introduce a new culture

Joining a Polynesian dance group can help you embrace a different culture. This art dance can also develop a sense of respect. You can learn to understand and speak Hawaiian words as they interpret the lyrics of the songs and chants into dance.

Dancing clears your inner feeling and helps you to express what you feel. Most people, especially Hawaiians, accompany Polynesian hula dancing by chant or song. It was cultivated in the Hawaiian Islands by the Polynesians who initially settled there. Polynesian dancing helps to improve your memory by memorizing the steps and focusing on the beat of the song. Also, you can have an idea about the meanings of the movement, stories, myths and legends behind the fantastic culture by learning this dance.

Moreover, dancers have also formed great social relationships through the help of this form of art. It is not hard to see that doing Polynesian dance offers tons of benefits. Use this article as a guide to starting your dancing journey.