How to Deal With Dangerous Side-effects of Sleeplessness?

“For there is nothing quite so terror-inducing as the loss of sleep. It creates phantoms and doubts, causes one to questions one’s own abilities and judgment, and, over time, dismantles, from within, the body.” ― Charlie Huston, Sleepless.

It might be difficult to relate the word dangerous to sleeplessness, but after knowing the kind of side-effects sleeplessness leave on one’s health, it won’t be an exaggeration.

Sleeplessness is one of the common sleep troubles that affect each one of us at some point of time or other. But, if this sleep trouble persists for long, then there is a high risk of hazardous side-effects. These side-effects include, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, depression, cardiovascular disease, weight loss and many more.


What Actually Sleeplessness Is?

Sleeplessness or insomnia is persistent difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep. Constant waking up in the middle of night,waking up in early hours and sleep only in wee hours are also associated with sleeplessness. A typical form of insomnia is when one wakes up at night, not able to sleep again and gets anxious about sleeplessness and worry of disturbance in carrying out next day activities. This worry makes adrenaline to prompt the body into action, further making it more difficult to sleep.

There are numerous other problems too that are associated with sleeplessness such as clenching of teeth in sleep, nasal congestion, etc. Trouble in sleeping leaves one totally exhausted, makes one feel tired and causes emotional distress too.

This distress is making all age group people fall prey to it. In accordance to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report, there are approximately 60 million of Americans who annually report of insomnia. It is believed that with modern lifestyle, the cases of insomnia are constantly increasing.

Researchers from different universities confirmed that sleeplessness is the normal part of aging is myth. It is caused by different reasons and contributes to the increased risk of road and office accidents and chronic fatigue.

What Is Disturbing Your Sleep?

One of the most common causes of sleeplessness is stress. It is responsible for disturbing sleep patterns and resulting both short-term as well as chronic insomnia. Apart from stress, health concerns, depressions and anxiety are other factors that contribute to disturbance in sleep. Also, the demands of this technology driven era are taking a toll on emotional, physical and sleep health.

Other Factors Include:

  • Relationship trouble
  • Trauma
  • High Caffeine intake
  • Uncomfortable sleep environment
  • Jet lag
  • Sleep apnea
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Irregular sleep schedule
  • Hypertension
  • Anxiety
  • Side-effects of medicine

Suggestions to Effectively Deal With Sleeplessness :

To avoid sleeplessness it is advised to follow healthy habits such as exercise in daytime. We are not suggesting for strenuous gym work out, but few minutes of yoga, dance or walk will be work great for your sleep problems.

Avoid daytime naps.

Limit your alcohol, caffeine and nicotine consumption as these are interferes with your sleep quality.

Try to avoid heavy meal at night. As fatty or heavy food make heart burn and cause bloating too, which affects sleep.

Following a regular sleep schedule works in treating sleeplessness.


If your sleep trouble is severe and you need a quicker way to deal with it, then you can take help of Prescription free sleeping pills such as Zopiclone and  Ambien tablets. Sleeping pills are being used by millions of individuals all across the world for their effectiveness. These tablets essentially work on brain to induce calmness and sleep. In fact, doctors also prescribe these tablets to help patients overcome sleep troubles in no time. These tablets can be availed online at fraction of the cost.