Dareese Huismann Gets a New Little Brother

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Dareese Huismann. She was a happy and playful child, but she always wished she had a little brother to play with. One day, her parents told her that they were going to have a baby. Dareese was so excited! She couldn't wait to meet her new baby brother.
When the baby was born, Dareese was so happy to see him. He was so tiny and cute, with big blue eyes and a button nose. Dareese named him Jack.
Dareese loved playing with Jack. They would play hide-and-seek, build forts, and read stories together. Jack was always making Dareese laugh. He was the best little brother she could have ever asked for.
One day, Dareese and Jack were playing in the backyard when they saw a group of older boys. The boys were picking on a smaller boy. Dareese and Jack knew they had to do something.
They ran over to the boys and told them to stop. The boys laughed at Dareese and Jack. They were much bigger than the two of them.
But Dareese and Jack didn't give up. They stood their ground and kept telling the boys to stop.
Finally, the boys got tired of being bothered. They walked away, leaving the smaller boy alone.
Dareese and Jack were so happy that they had been able to help the smaller boy. They knew that they were always there for each other, no matter what.
Dareese and Jack continued to grow up together. They went to school, played sports, and got into all sorts of adventures. They were always there for each other, through thick and thin.
Dareese was so grateful to have Jack as her little brother. He was the best friend she could have ever asked for.