Predicted Shifts in the Employment Landscape for Data Scientists in 2022

The field of data science jobs is consistently undergoing development. Big data and the "Internet of Everything" have made it possible to collect enormous datasets, which has led to an increase in the need for more advanced and specialized data analysis. This demand is directly proportional to the growing prevalence of traditional data science and data analytical processes.

How big is 'big' data?

The expansion and improvement of the industries that are associated with streaming entertainment media, healthcare and education systems, and the many connected devices that we use on a daily basis to communicate with our friends, families, and offices depend on data analytics. It goes without saying that the question at hand is not simply one of the quantities of data but also of the quality of the data that is being compiled, analyzed, and put into action.

Get ready to take on the role of an expert.

In the past, a course in SQL queries was sufficient to open up a wide variety of employment opportunities in the data analysis sectors. However, those days are long gone. These days, every conceivable business vertical relies on data collection and data analysis to operate, which has resulted in a diversification, evolution, and fundamental change occurring in the roles of data scientists.

New forms of 'fast data' are becoming increasingly important to the day-to-day operations of various transportation-related industries, including airlines, logistics companies, and even the ubiquitous Uber. Because of this, there is a growing need for data analysts who are able to examine, manipulate, and make sense of such vast amounts of ever-changing information. Employers will look for employees who not only have experience working with specialized data types, but also have expertise in data that is specific to the industry in which they work.

They would benefit tremendously from receiving an education that is on the cutting edge of contemporary data science and analytics, which can be obtained by earning a master of science degree in data analytics.

The continual advancement of AI

It is not a question of if AI and smart algorithms will become capable of doing both the data crunching and the decision-making in response to the results; rather, the question is when this will happen. At this point, there is a very real possibility that some traditional data science roles may become obsolete for humans that are unable to pivot or transition to more specialized data disciplines. This possibility is based on the fact that there is a very real possibility that these roles will become obsolete.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense for data scientists to align themselves with these systems and become more skilled and knowledgeable in working alongside them in order to keep their value and improve their employment prospects.

If you've been searching for data science jobs, the hunt would be made easier when you sign up with Data Jobs. That's because we have a platform that enables employers to find the data scientist they need, and allows you to apply directly to the job that's right for you. Get started today!